This treatment is a procedure that involves lifting various parts of the face using special threads, without the need for surgical incisions as was the case in a classic facelift, until now.

Thread facelift is a very effective technique to eliminate the facial jowling and skin sagging on the neck, which is traditionally a "difficult" area in relation to the results.

With the application of the threads, essentially what is done is the delay of the aged image caused by the skin sagging.

Most interventions are performed under topical anesthesia, depending on the treatment area (cheekbones, face, neck, eyebrows).

Most of these materials are augmented with topical anesthetics to relieve pain at the injection site.

In most cases, it is done with topical anesthesia, but it can also be done with the use of mild sedation, if the patient does not tolerate it.

There are two main types of thread used:

Freely Floating Cogged Or Barbed Thread (COG)

The COG thread does not need to be fastened in order to hold the facelift; in fact it is self-supporting.

These can be divided into different categories depending on the direction of their pins

Smooth Thread (PDO)

In order to achieve a facelift with PDO thread, the thread must be fastened to a stable structure of the face or scalp.

PDO threads are either absorbable or non-absorbable, usually made of prolene or nylon, such as those used for surgical sutures.

What Results do we have

The threads can help lift the "fallen" areas of the face without invasive surgery, inserting threads through small holes in the skin that later become invisible.

It can be used on any part of the face where a gentle lift is desired.

This procedure is most suitable for patients with mild to moderate facial tissues jowling, usually in patients aged 35-55 years.

Areas that can be treated with threads include the forehead, cheeks, to treat sagging main cheek, the nasolabial area, the area under the eyes, the jaw line, and, of course, with very good results, for skin sagging on the contour and neck.

The threads leave no marks, they are simple to apply and require minimal recovery time.

The placement of the threads is fast and lasts from about 30-40 minutes, depending on the number of areas that we want to correct and can be done simultaneously or in sections for the different areas.

One treatment per area is usually all that is needed to achieve the desired result, often with immediate visible results, even more after about 3 to 4 weeks.

However, the results continue to improve over a period of 3 to 6 months, as collagen begins to grow around the threads, which helps the lifting effect.



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